Shoya Tomizawa Meninggal Setelah Dilindas Motor Alex De Angelis


Habis nonton moto2 di trans7 hari minggu 5 september 2010 liat tabrakan di kelas moto 2 antara shoya tomizawa dengan alex de angelis tiba-tiba abis moto gp yang dimenangkan dani pedrosa, liat hostnya bilang shoya tomizawa meninggal

Dunia motogp kembali berduka gan setelah pembalap Moto2 Shoya Tomizawa meninggal dunia hari ini akibat kecelakaan di GP San Marino

The Italian hospital were Shoya Tomizawa was taken after his accident in Moto2 today has confirmed the rider has passed away. Tomizawa came off his bike and was run over by Scott Redding after a 3 rider crash that also involved Alex De Angelis.

Scott Redding is reportedly up and talking in the course medical centre. Tomizawa was pronouced dead at 2.15pm local time. His death is the second recent death after 13 year Peter Lenz was killed in America last week. More as we get it. Please note we have taken the video of the incident off the website. 

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